Hi! This is the first time I'm seeing this website, I don't know how long you've had it going. Your stuff if beautiful and so nicely photographed and set up for the pictures. I do similar work along with my husband as a supplement to income, especially during the summer. I don't know how you would feel about taking on someone else's stuff as well...I feel like I could pay 10-15% to you to set it up and take great pictures...which is what I'm lacking. We have thought about building a website, but so far have not had the time or financial means to do so. If I was able to charge a bit more for items because of the website, I feel like it could be a win/win. Just wondering your thoughts. I have many of the items I've done on my facebook page...Anne Gould. If you're interested at all, friend request me to take a look at the work. Thanks!
Hi! This is the first time I'm seeing this website, I don't know how long you've had it going. Your stuff if beautiful and so nicely photographed and set up for the pictures. I do similar work along with my husband as a supplement to income, especially during the summer. I don't know how you would feel about taking on someone else's stuff as well...I feel like I could pay 10-15% to you to set it up and take great pictures...which is what I'm lacking. We have thought about building a website, but so far have not had the time or financial means to do so. If I was able to charge a bit more for items because of the website, I feel like it could be a win/win. Just wondering your thoughts. I have many of the items I've done on my facebook page...Anne Gould. If you're interested at all, friend request me to take a look at the work. Thanks!